The following reports are especially useful for program administrators preparing for the start of a new school year.
These reports can by accessed by clicking on Reports in the top navigation bar, then Programs - Response to Intervention under "Available Reports."
Click on a hyperlink to jump to that article topic:
Students by Form
- Provides a list of students and forms grouped by student or form, with the form in "Draft," "Locked," or both.
- Pick a date range from one year ago to the day you are running the report.
- Review for types of forms utilized for students, as well as forms still in draft.
Student Recommendations
- Provides a list of students who have a draft or locked tier form with an "Area of Concern" and "Status" from the 'Recommendations" section.
- Allows you to see how student completed last school year and where student will begin this school year.
- Select All for "Decisions."
- You can choose to filter by "Active" and/or "Not Active" status (choosing "Not Active" allows you to see students who have been previously served in RTI).
Identified Strategy
- Provides a list of students receiving a specified intervention strategy, along with their tier level, skill area, and start date.
- Identify students for whom a particular strategy has ended based on the “End Date” on this report. Is another meeting needed?
- Ensure staff is aware of interventions specified for each student for new school year.
- Could facilitate grouping of students by "Tier Status," "Grade Level," and "Strategy."
- If a student who has moved or withdrawn is showing on the "Active" report, change the student’s status to Not Active on "Program Compliance" and Save.
Student Directory
- Provides a list of students with their "Name," "Address," "Phone Number," "Campus," and "Grade."
- Students on this list who have moved or withdrawn should be changed to Not Active in "Program Compliance."
Progress Monitoring
- Provides a list of students with the "Selected Skills Area(s)" and the associated "Progress Monitoring" data.
- Can be filtered by "Tier Status" and "Skill Area."
- Best exported as a PDF.