Changing SE 504 State Test Accommodations

Admin Panel



None assigned

The instructions below will walk Administrators through the process of changing SE 504 State Accommodations.

  1. District Admin
  2. Lists
  3. Edit Shared Lists
 Permissions: The state test accommodations shared list items within your SE 504 program is under the control of District Administrators.
Shared Lists Options  
Select Plugin Choose StudentServicesPlan.Plugin from the dropdown.
Select ListKey Choose StateTestAccommodations from the dropdown.
Current Defined
Default Values
If the system has supplied the list with options, they would be visible in this grid.
Import Defaults Click Import Defaults if the district wants to keep the system defaults.
Clear List Click Clear List if the district wants to remove all items previously added to this shared list.
Edit List Item Click the  Pencil icon to open the shared list item to make changes.
Delete List Item Click the  Delete icon to delete the shared list option.


Scroll down to the bottom of the screen and type new items into the text box, above the Import button.

When finished, click the Import button to display the items in the grid above the text box.
