Assigning and Editing Student Rosters

Admin Panel



None assigned
 Permissions: To see the Edit User Roster option, District Administrators must assign a user the Rostering [District] user role. This user role will give districts the ability to assign a specific group of students to a user in the application.

Managing Student Rosters

After assigning a user to their campus(es), the Administrator can select a user and assign a subset of students to whom the user will have access.

 How It Works: Students across a district or SSA can be assigned to a user’s roster, so when a user with a roster searches for a student and/or runs a report, only the students assigned to the user will be displayed.

To minimize the number of students available for assignment, the District Administrator can select a specific campus in the district/campus selector.Assigning-Editing_User_Rosters.jpg

  1. Choose District Admin from the Home screen.
  2. Choose Users.
  3. Choose Edit User Roster.


  1. Select a User from the dropdown menu.
  2. Select which Student(s) you want to assign to this user. *Students can be selected one at a time, or you can click and hold the Ctrl key (for Windows) or Cmd key (for Macs) to select multiple students at once.
  3. Click the to add the students.
  4. Click the , as needed, to remove students from your list.
 Note: Choices are automatically saved for the user.