Meeting Administrator

This article walks users through meeting creation and review.

Note: To help the screen open more quickly, users who have access to more than one campus in the application should attach to a single campus in the top blue navigation bar prior to opening the Meeting Administrator.

Creating a New Meeting

Hover over ELLA, then scroll down and click on Meeting Administrator


Click the Create New Meeting button. 


The system will include a series of entry fields related to this meeting. Review these fields in the tables below:

Create Meeting Entries  
Campus (Optional) Choose the Campus from the "Select a Campus" dropdown.
EB Status (Optional) Choose the EB Status from the "Selecting a Status" dropdown. Selecting an EB Status will help to minimize the students pulling into the Students list below. If no EB Status is selected, students with any EB Status will show in the selector box.
Meeting Date Enter in the Meeting Date. This is a required field. If changes need to be made, this field can be edited once the meeting has been created.
Meeting Name Enter in the Meeting Name. This is a required field and can be any meaningful name that allows the users to tell different meetings apart once they are listed under the Scheduled or Completed Meetings.
Meeting Type Select the Meeting Type. This is the type of meeting that will be assigned to each student's EB Plan title page. Each Meeting will need to be grouped by a single Meeting Type (i.e., Initial, Review, State Assessment, Annual Review, Exit). If more than one "Meeting Type" is needed for a student, the additional meeting type can be added by selecting it directly on the student’s EB plan title page and saving.
Students Order By Click the names in the Students Order By list (default is set to sort by name) and then click the > icon to move the students over to be included in the meeting. The students sitting in the box on the right will be in this Scheduled Meeting.


Create Meeting Entries Cont.  
Bilingual/ESL Educator Choose the Bilingual/ESL Educator name from the dropdown or type name in manually. If changes need to be made, this field can be edited once the meeting has been created.
Campus Administrator Choose the Campus Administrator name from the dropdown or type name in manually. If changes need to be made, this field can be edited once the meeting has been created.
IEP Representative (if needed) Choose the IEP Representative name from the dropdown or type name in manually. If changes need to be made, this field can be edited once the meeting has been created.
Parent Representative Choose the Parent Representative name from the dropdown or type name in manually. If changes need to be made, this field can be edited once the meeting has been created.
Adtl Committee Attendees If Additional Committee Attendees are needed, click the name(s) and click the > icon to move the staff names over to be included in the EB Plan > Recommendations and Signature page. If changes need to be made, this field can be edited once the meeting has been created.

Click Save and Close to create the Scheduled Meeting or click Cancel to cancel the function. 


Reviewing Student Meeting Details

Once the meeting is saved, you can proceed to review the additional meeting details.

Click the  caret to expand the list to see all of the students included in the meeting created. The "Meeting Name" will include the Meeting Date, Meeting Name, and person who created the meeting.

Click the student's name to open a new web page with the student’s number/name displaying at the top. The EB Plan will already be open and ready to have information entered into the sections. (Or, you can alternately right click on each student’s name and click Open Link in New Tab.)

Each student will display in a separate tab at the top of your screen.


Scheduled Meetings Details  
Progress The "Progress" header will display how many of the EB Plans for the students listed are Locked.
Edit Click Edit to open and edit the meeting criteria for this meeting, as needed.
Lock Once forms have been completed for students in the meeting, click Lock to bulk lock all of the EB Plans for the students in this meeting.
Print Plans "Print Plans" allows the user to bulk print the EB Plans in this meeting.
Print Letters "Print Letters" allows the user to bulk print the Parent Letters for this meeting.

Click the X delete icon to delete the meeting. 

Note: Clicking the delete icon on the "Meeting Administrator" screen only deletes the "Meeting Group" from the "Meeting Administrator" screen. The EB plans that were created when the "Meeting Group" was saved will not be deleted by clicking this icon.

Reviewing Completed Meetings

In the "Completed Meetings" section, click the  caret to expand the list to see all of the students included.

Print Plans allows the user to bulk print the EB Plans in this meeting.

Print Letters allows the user to bulk print the Parent Letters for this meeting.


Meeting Administrator Tips

  • Students may be in only one scheduled meeting at a time. If you are unable to add a student to a meeting and have confirmed they are not currently in a scheduled meeting, then you will need to document that student's meeting separately, without the use of "Meeting Administrator."
  • Scheduled meetings only become completed meetings when all EB plans included in the meeting group are successfully locked.

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