TELPAS Shared Lists

Users can list the test type for Reading, Listening/Speaking, and Writing under TELPAS, and they can list the accommodations needed for TELPAS, as well as any comments to clarify. The instructions below will walk Administrators through the process of accessing those lists and making changes, as needed.

 Note: All of these fields within ELLA are under the control of District Administrators.
  1. District Admin
  2. Lists
  3. Edit Shared Lists

Adding TELPAS Accommodations

From the Edit Shared Lists page, choose EB.Plan from the "Select Plugin" dropdown. Then, to add accommodations to the TELPAS Accommodations shared list, choose TELPASAccommodations from the "Select ListKey" dropdown.


Click Import Defaults if the district wants to keep defaults provided by SuccessEd. Then, scroll down to the bottom of the screen and type new items into the text box (above the Import button).


When done, click the Import button. This selection will cause the items to display in the grid above the text box.

Adding TELPAS Comments

To add comments to the TELPAS Comments shared list, choose TELPASComments from the Select ListKey dropdown.


Scroll down to the bottom of the screen and type new items into the text box (above the Import button).


When done, click the Import button. This selection will cause the items to display in the grid above the text box.

Adding TELPAS Test Type 

To add items to the TELPAS Test Type shared list, choose TestType from the Select ListKey dropdown.

 Note: It is highly recommended this shared list be updated by the program admin. If your list still includes STAAR A, STAAR L, TAKS or TAKS-Acc, you may want to delete these options and add TELPAS as a new option.


Click Import Defaults if the district wants to keep defaults provided by SuccessEd. Then, scroll down to the bottom of the screen and type new items into the text box above the Import button.


When done, click the Import button and items will display in the grid above the text box.