Accessing Progress Reports

 Note: When Progress Reports are marked as "Mastered" or "Discontinued," they will move to the "Completed" tab at the bottom of the Progress Report screen. (See SE IEP Goals User Guide for more information.)
  1. SE IEP Goals
  2. Progress Reports

When the Progress Report page opens, the students name will already be displayed in the dropdown.


Entering Progress Statements

 Note: On-screen guidance has been added to the Progress Reports page to explain its functionality.

Progress Statements will display in the Progress Reports screen (already expanded), so users can see all of the previously entered progress.

Click the green “+” to the left of the subject/focus area to add a new Progress Statement.


The Progress Report page will display the following field options:

Report Options  
Person Reporting Progress Select from dropdown menu, if needed.
Academic Year Will default to current Academic Year.
This report reflects progress through... Enter the appropriate reporting period from the dropdown.
Progress Statement (Goal)1 Enter a statement of the student’s progress during this reporting period or select from items in the shared list by clicking on the ellipsis button . Shared list items must be chosen prior to manually entering information into this field or text will be overwritten by shared list item.
Progress Status (Goal) Select In Progress, Mastered, Discontinued or Not Yet Addressed, as appropriate.
Progress Statement (Objective)1 Enter a statement of the student’s progress during this reporting period or select from items in the shared list by clicking on the ellipsis button . Shared list items must be chosen prior to manually entering information into this field or text will be overwritten by shared list item.
Progress Status (Objective) Select In Progress, Mastered, Discontinued, or Not Yet Addressed as appropriate.
Import Data For districts who use Pearson Review 360, SuccessEd will now import the percent or # correct out of # into the Progress Report text statement.
Save Click Save to save this progress statement.
Add Another Entry Click Add Another Entry to add another progress statement for this goal/objective. Repeat for any additional goals and objectives.
Cancel Click Cancel , as needed, to cancel the process.
Send To2 Gives user the option of sending an email to Parent/Guardian when there are updated documents to review.

Additional Notes

  1. District administrators can add to the items found in this list.
  2. This option will only display if the district has enabled the Parent Portal via the District Admin > Districts > Edit Customization Options screen and if the parent has agreed to receive electronic access to student records via the Students > Parental Information > Add/Edit Parents screen.


Editing a Progress Statement

  1. SE IEP Goals
  2. Progress Reports

When the Progress Report screen opens, the students name will already be displayed in the dropdown.


Click on the Reporting Period Progress Statement that you want to edit and make changes, as needed. *Remember to click Save on the Progress Statement once you are finished.


Adding Additional Progress Statements

  1. SE IEP Goals
  2. Progress Reports

When the Progress Report page opens, the students name will already be displayed in the dropdown.


Click the green “+” to the left of the subject/focus area to add an additional Progress statement. *Remember to click Save on the Progress Statement once you are finished.


The Progress Report page will display the following field options:

Report Options  
Academic Year Will default to current Academic Year.
This report reflects progress through... The program will automatically advance to the next reporting period.
Progress Status (Goal) Select In Progress, Mastered, Discontinued or Not Yet Addressed, as appropriate.
Progress Statement (Goal)1 The program will automatically pull in information from the previous Reporting Period. Verify information and make changes, as needed, by typing information into the field or selecting from items in the shared list (by clicking on the ellipsis button). *Shared list items must be chosen prior to manually entering information into this field or the text will be overwritten by shared list item.
Progress Status (Objective) Select In Progress, Mastered, Discontinued, or Not Yet Addressed as appropriate.
Progress Statement (Objective)2 The program will automatically pull in information from the previous Reporting Period. Verify information and make changes, as needed, by typing information into the field or selecting from items in the shared list (by clicking on the ellipsis button). *Shared list items must be chosen prior to manually entering information into this field or the text will be overwritten by shared list item selections.
Import Data For districts who use Pearson Review 360, the system will now import the percent or # correct out of # into the Progress Report text fields.
Save Click Save to save this progress statement.

Additional Notes

  1. This field can be customized by a district administrator via the District Admin > Lists > Edit Shared Lists > Forms.ProgressReport.ProgressStatement > ProgressItems screen.
  2. This field can be customized by a district administrator via the District Admin > Lists > Edit Shared Lists > Forms.ProgressReport.ProgressStatement > ObjectiveProgressItems screen.

Completed Goals

Once a goal has been Mastered or Discontinued (Discontinuing a goal is an ARD Committee decision), they will move into the Completed section at the bottom of Progress Reports screen.

Click the expansion button to open the subject/focus area Progress Report and see what has been completed.

Each of the Progress Reports entered for the goal will display in this section. Click the  printer icon to print the subject-specific active Progress Report or click the Print button to print all of the Completed Progress Reports.
