PEIMS Essentials

PEIMS 163 Data Elements

The PEIMS 163 Summary form provides key Student, IEP Meeting, and PEIMS information.

*This image offers an example of the PEIMS 163 Data Elements. 2021-03-31_10-19-21.png

The following table focuses on the locations and triggers of the PEIMS 163 Data Elements:

PEIMS 163 Data Elements  
Service Start Date (up to 2 per academic year schedule)

Section IV. Determination of Services > Services Start Date

If the Services Start Date is in the Fall, a second PEIMS 163 Data Elements table may display for the second semester Services Start Date.

Duration of Services Section IV. Determination of Services > Duration of Services
  • Primary Condition
  • Secondary Condition
  • Tertiary Condition
Section II. Determination of Eligibility > Condition 1, Condition 2, and Condition 3 fields, respectively
Multiple Disabilities Indicator Section II. Determination of Eligibility > Multiple Disabilities checkbox
Child Count Funding Type

If eligible = 3

If not eligible = 0

ECI Indicator Age dependent: 1 if under age 3 on Services Start Date
ECSE Indicator
(formerly PPCD Indicator)
Age dependent: 1 if between the ages of 3 and 6 on Services Start Date
RDSPD Service

Section IV. Determination of Services to be Provided > Instructional Schedule > RDSPD checkbox

Only clickable when DHH or DB are selected as Conditions on Section II. Determination of Services

Instructional Arrangement

Section IV. Determination of Services to be Provided > Calculated

Section IV. Determination of Services to be Provided > Instructional Arrangement Override dropdown

Speech Count Section IV. Determination of Services to be Provided > Instructional Schedule > Subject dropdown > Speech Therapy2
Interpreting Service

Section IV. Determination of Services to be Provided > PEIMS Predominant Interpreting Service Type dropdown1

Audiological Service Indicator Section IV. Determination of Services to be Provided > Related Services > Service dropdown > Audiological Services2
ECSE Location Code

Section IV. Determination of Services to be Provided > ECSE Location field3

Counseling Service Indicator Section IV. Determination of Services to be Provided > Related Services > Service dropdown > Counseling2
Medical Diagnostics Indicator Section IV. Determination of Services to be Provided > Related Services > Service dropdown > Medical/Diagnostic Services2
Occupational Therapy Indicator Section IV. Determination of Services to be Provided > Related Services > Service dropdown > Occupational Therapy2
Orientation and Mobility Indicator Section IV. Determination of Services to be Provided > Related Services > Service dropdown > Orientation Mobility2
Physical Therapy Indicator Section IV. Determination of Services to be Provided > Related Services > Service dropdown > Physical Therapy2
Psychological Services Indicator Section IV. Determination of Services to be Provided > Related Services > Service dropdown > Psychological Services2
Recreation Therapy Indicator Section IV. Determination of Services to be Provided > Related Services > Service dropdown > Recreation Therapy2
School Health Indicator Section IV. Determination of Services to be Provided > Related Services > Service dropdown > School Health2
Social Work Indicator Section IV. Determination of Services to be Provided > Related Services > Service dropdown > Social Work Services2
Transportation Indicator Section IV. Determination of Services to be Provided > Related Services > Service dropdown > Transportation2
Assistive Technology Indicator Section III. PLAAFP > Assistive Technology Yes/No
Medically Fragile Indicator Section II. Determination of Eligibility > Medically Fragile checkbox
District of RDSPD Section IV. Determination of Services to be Provided > District of RDSPD dropdown4
Dyslexia Services Code5

Section Determination of Services to be Provided > Dyslexia Services Code4

Additional Notes

  1. Required when DHH or DB are selected as Conditions on Section II. Determination of Eligibility
  2. Several of the following indicators are Subject/Service specific. If the selection in the Subject/Service dropdown is altered, the indicator will not trigger for PEIMS.
  3. Only visible for ages 3-5, based on Services Start Date.
  4. Only available when Dyslexia or Related Disorders is marked YES on Section II. Determination of Eligibility.
  5. Not part of the 163 record, but reportable to PEIMS.

IEP Meeting Information

The PEIMS 163 Summary form provides key Student, IEP Meeting, and PEIMS information. The following table focuses on the locations and triggers of the PEIMS 163 Data Elements:

IEP Meeting Information  
IEP Meeting Date IEP Meeting Title Page > Meeting Date
IEP Meeting Type

Type of IEP Meeting Selection, plus:

  • This is an Annual Yes/No:
    • Yes = Annual
    • No = Review
Academic Year Demographic Header = Academic Year
Program Name Section IV. Determination of Services > Current Year > Program Name
Locked By Person locking the IEP Meeting
Status Student Information > Program Compliance > Status
FIE Date Section I. Review of Evaluation Data
Medicaid Eligible Student Information > Demographics > Medicaid Eligible Yes/No
EL Status Student Information > Demographics > English Learner Status dropdown
Prior Written Notice Waived Section IX. Committee Membership > Prior Written Notice statement Yes/No

IEP Meeting Data Elements

Items in this table are provided as additional information that may be relevant to the student and their placement. If the page was not addressed, it will be blank.

IEP Meeting Data Elements  
Personal Care Services1 Nursing Behavior
Intervention Plan
Transition Addressed2 Initial Transition Discussion
ESY Indicator3 ESY Program Name
ESY Transportation3 -
Graduation Year4 IEP Continuer
PEIMS Graduation Code4 Endorsements

Additional Notes

  1. These items come from the corresponding Yes/No options on Section III. PLAAFP.
  2. These items come from the corresponding fields at the bottom of the Section III. PLAAFP.
  3. These items come from the corresponding fields on Section VI. Extended School Year Services.
  4. These items come from the corresponding fields on Section VII. Graduation.

PEIMS Events Outside of an IEP Meeting

There are a few scenarios where PEIMS records are created/edited outside of an IEP Meeting.

PEIMS Events
Outside an IEP Mtg
Manual Entry

Transfer student whose PEIMS data is added to Program Compliance.

  • Note: Program Compliance will only save the Transferred status unless all required PEIMS data elements are entered.
  • Alerts for any missing PEIMS data will appear at the top of the screen after clicking Save.
Automated Process

For any student with an active status, a PEIMS record is automatically created on their 6th birthday for the following:

  • ECSE Indicator is changed from 1 to 0.
  • If the Instructional Arrangement is 45, it is changed to 44.
  • This record Program Compliance is not fully updated till the next naturally occurring IEP Meeting is locked.
  • This record shows on the PEIMS 163 Reports.