You can control the order in which your forms will print after the IEP meeting.
Click View All Drafts on the Student Forms screen to display all SE Manager forms currently in draft for the student.
Review the list of forms currently in "Draft". Any forms that are not needed can be deleted from this screen.
Click Print/Lock Form Set to print and/or lock draft forms with an IEP meeting form.
The "Master Form" will be the draft meeting form (e.g. Amendment, Brief, IEP, Service Plan, Transfer).
Select the Draft Form(s) to be included in the form set.
Click the single arrow button > to move forms over one at a time. This will control the order in which forms will print after the IEP Meeting.
Click Language to Print from the dropdown to preview the draft form set.
Click Print to print the draft form set.
Click the Lock button to lock the form set. You may also click Cancel, as needed, to cancel the operation.