As an RTI/MTSS user to SuccessEd, you should follow this learning path so you can best understand the concepts and processes within SuccessEd. For best results, follow the outlined process in order from top to bottom.
Click the title below each icon to access each resource in the path.
Basic Navigation
This webinar reviews basic navigation in SuccessEd.
RTI/MTSS Workshop
This webinar places particular emphasis on completing IEP Meeting forms. Supplemental forms and relevant reports are also reviewed.
RTI/MTSS Overview
This webinar provides the user with an overview of the RTI/MTSS program.
Tier 1: Core Curriculum Performance
This webinar reviews the process for completing the Tier 1: Core Curriculum Performance form within the RTI/MTSS program.
Tier 2: Skill Building
This webinar reviews the process for completing the Tier 2: Skill Building form within the RTI/MTSS program.
Tier 3: Intensive Intervention
This webinar reviews the process for completing the Tier 3: Intensive Intervention form within the RTI/MTSS program.
To Lock or Not to Lock
This webinar reviews the difference between locking a student's Tier forms or leaving them in a draft state, as well as the impact of generating reports.
All videos can be found in our Video Library article. In addition, we offer many Upcoming Events that you may find helpful.